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  • saniagilanghati

Artist's Statement

« I create a story telling with a piece of art»

« The mind of the painter must resemble a mirror, which always takes the colour of the object it reflects and is completely occupied by the images of as many objects as are in front of it. »

Leonardo da Vinci

The force behind my work is the interest in all uniqueness of the object all around us, appreciate every objects, the landscape, beauty of nature and what it can bring in the human spirit, its effects and the way over time it manifests in our mind, and our interpretation based on our memories, experience, culture and feeling.

Utilizing painting, drawing, sculpture and installation of art, my work show the personal and universal exchanges found in expressive color, luminosity, simplified formed of object to another symbol and meaning. I use A strong and boldly color to bring full of life to my work. The draw or sketch itself based on impulse, with its raw, immediate, and unborder emotional delivering unexpected result and a new experience to the audience that characterizes my work.

Layer by layer of color and object behind another object, each of it revealing pureness and emotional intensities.

Most of my work based on oil on the canvas, watercolor , drawing on paper, and also mix media.

I love art and painting since I was a little girl, graduated from Bachelor of Art with Cumlaude from Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia . My interest in cubism, naïve art, symbolism, expressionism, impressionism, also contemporary art, impact the style of my work, and the latest concept of my work is about human culture, woman, global warming, the earth and of course life itself.

Each piece of work is created over months, using layers of colors until it reach its strength and harmonies. Documenting and recording my experiences, point of view, culture, memory and emotional responses to the subject means that what lies beneath is sometimes subdued or intentionally hidden. These compilations, you will find in my works that show what story today can be a history tomorrow and what history yesterday can be memories today for other people which I printed with my hand, mind and soul into a piece of art.

Just like he says “A beautiful body perishes, but a work of art dies not.” ~Leonardo Da Vinci

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